(a) (1) By March 15, 2004, each state agency disbursing grants or loans pursuant to this division shall develop project solicitation and evaluation guidelines. The guidelines may include a limitation on the size of grants or loans to be awarded.
(2) Prior to disbursing grants, each state agency shall conduct two public meetings to consider public comments prior to finalizing the guidelines. Each state agency shall publish the draft solicitation and evaluation guidelines on its Internet Web site at least 30 days before the public meetings. One meeting shall be conducted at a location in northern California and one meeting shall be conducted at a location in southern California. Upon adoption, each state agency shall transmit copies of the guidelines to the fiscal committees and the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature. To the extent feasible, each state agency shall provide outreach to disadvantaged communities to promote access and participation in those meetings.
(3) (A) Subject to subparagraph (B), the guidelines may include a requirement for matching funds.
(B) A state agency may not require matching funds for the purposes of awarding a grant financed by this division to assist a disadvantaged community, except as follows:
(i) For the purposes of awarding a grant pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 79545, the department shall impose matching fund requirements in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 79545.
(ii) For the purposes of awarding a grant subject to Section 79564, the board shall impose matching fund requirements in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 79564.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a state agency, in lieu of adopting guidelines pursuant to subdivision (a), may use guidelines existing on January 1, 2004, to the extent those guidelines conform to the applicable requirements of this division.
(Added by Stats. 2003, Ch. 240, Sec. 27. Effective August 13, 2003.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018