Of the funds authorized by Section 79730, four hundred seventy-five million dollars ($475,000,000) shall be available to the Natural Resources Agency to support projects that fulfill the obligations of the State of California in complying with the terms of any of the following:
(a) Subsection (d) of Section 3406 of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (Title 34 of Public Law 102-575).
(b) Interstate compacts set forth in Section 66801 of the Government Code pursuant to Title 7.42 (commencing with Section 66905) of the Government Code.
(c) Intrastate or multiparty water quantification settlement agreement provisions, including ecosystem restoration projects, as set forth in Chapters 611, 612, 613, and 614 of the Statutes of 2003.
(d) The settlement agreement referenced in Section 2080.2 of the Fish and Game Code.
(e) Any intrastate or multiparty settlement agreement related to water acted upon or before December 31, 2013. Priority shall be given to projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:
(1) The project is of statewide significance.
(2) The project restores natural aquatic or riparian functions, or wetlands habitat for birds and aquatic species.
(3) The project protects or promotes the restoration of endangered or threatened species.
(4) The project enhances the reliability of water supplies on a regional or interregional basis.
(5) The project provides significant regional or statewide economic benefits.
(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 188, Sec. 8. (AB 1471) Approved in Proposition 1 at the November 4, 2014, election.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018