(a) The funds allocated for the design, acquisition, and construction of surface storage projects identified in the CALFED Bay-Delta Record of Decision, dated August 28, 2000, pursuant to this chapter may be provided for those purposes to local joint powers authorities formed by irrigation districts and other local water districts and local governments within the applicable hydrologic region to design, acquire, and construct those projects.
(b) The joint powers authorities described in subdivision (a) may include in their membership governmental partners that are not located within their respective hydrologic regions in financing the surface storage projects, including, as appropriate, cost share participation or equity participation. Notwithstanding Section 6525 of the Government Code, the joint powers agencies described in subdivision (a) shall not include in their membership any for-profit corporation or any mutual water company whose shareholders and members include a for-profit corporation or any other private entity. The department shall be an ex officio member of each joint powers authority subject to this section, but the department shall not control the governance, management, or operation of the surface water storage projects.
(c) A joint powers authority subject to this section shall own, govern, manage, and operate a surface water storage project, subject to the requirement that the ownership, governance, management, and operation of the surface water storage project shall advance the purposes set forth in this chapter.
(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 188, Sec. 8. (AB 1471) Approved in Proposition 1 at the November 4, 2014, election.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018