(a) The Delta Independent Science Board is hereby established in state government.
(1) The Delta Independent Science Board shall consist of no more than 10 members appointed by the council. The term of office for members of the Delta Independent Science Board shall be five years. A member may serve no more than two terms.
(2) Members of the Delta Independent Science Board shall be nationally or internationally prominent scientists with appropriate expertise to evaluate the broad range of scientific programs that support adaptive management of the Delta. The members shall not be directly affiliated with a program or agency subject to the review activities of the Delta Independent Science Board.
(3) The Delta Independent Science Board shall provide oversight of the scientific research, monitoring, and assessment programs that support adaptive management of the Delta through periodic reviews of each of those programs that shall be scheduled to ensure that all Delta scientific research, monitoring, and assessment programs are reviewed at least once every four years.
(4) The Delta Independent Science Board shall submit to the council a report on the results of each review, including recommendations for any changes in the programs reviewed by the board.
(b) After consultation with the Delta Independent Science Board, the council shall appoint a lead scientist for the Delta Science Program.
(1) The lead scientist shall meet all of the following qualifications:
(A) Hold an advanced degree in a field related to water or ecosystem management.
(B) Have a strong record of scientific research and publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals in a field related to water or ecosystem management.
(C) Have experience advising high-level managers in science-based decisionmaking in the areas of water management and ecosystem restoration.
(D) Have the capability to guide the application of an adaptive management process to resource management policy decisions in the Delta.
(2) The term of office for the lead scientist shall be no more than three years. The lead scientist may serve no more than two terms.
(3) The lead scientist shall oversee the implementation of the Delta Science Program. In carrying out that responsibility, the lead scientist shall regularly consult with the agencies participating in the program.
(4) The mission of the Delta Science Program shall be to provide the best possible unbiased scientific information to inform water and environmental decisionmaking in the Delta. That mission shall be carried out through funding research, synthesizing and communicating scientific information to policymakers and decisionmakers, promoting independent scientific peer review, and coordinating with Delta agencies to promote science-based adaptive management. The Delta Science Program shall assist with development and periodic updates of the Delta Plan’s adaptive management program.
(c) The Delta Science Program shall function as a replacement for, and successor to, the CALFED Science Program and the Delta Independent Science Board shall replace the CALFED Independent Science Board.
(Added by Stats. 2009, 7th Ex. Sess., Ch. 5, Sec. 39. (SB 1 7x) Effective February 3, 2010.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018