California Water Code CHAPTER 2 - Definitions
- Section 34010.
Unless the context otherwise requires the provisions of this chapter shall govern the construction of this division.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34011.
The definition of a word applies to any of its variants.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34012.
“Include” except when used in relation to the inclusion of land into a district does not necessarily exclude matters not enumerated.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch.
- Section 34013.
“District” except as otherwise provided means a water district formed pursuant to the California Water District Act or to this division.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch.
- Section 34014.
“Land” means the solid material of the earth whatever may be the ingredients of which it is composed, whether soil, rock, or other substance, but...
- Section 34015.
“Principal county” means the county in which the greatest portion of the area of the land is situated at the time of the filing of...
- Section 34016.
“Affected county” means any county in which land is situated.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34017.
“Office” means the office for the district selected by the board.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34018.
Except as otherwise provided, “board” means the board of directors of a district.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34019.
“Elective officers,” irrespective of the method of selection in any instance, (1) are the members of the board and (2) may be an assessor and a tax...
- Section 34020.
“President” means the president of the board.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34021.
“Secretary” means the secretary of the district.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34022.
“Assessor” means the assessor of the district.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34023.
“Collector” means the tax collector of the district.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34024.
“Treasurer” means the treasurer of the district.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34025.
“General district election” means the district election required to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each odd-numbered year.(Amended...
- Section 34026.
“Holder of title” shall mean the owner of record of the fee title to land; provided, however, in the event the owner of record of...
- Section 34027.
“Voter” means a person who is a holder of title.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34028.
“Board of election” means a board consisting of an inspector and two judges.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34029.
“Irrigation” includes subirrigation, percolation, underground storage, and well replenishment.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34030.
“Legal representative” means either of the following:(a) A duly appointed and acting guardian, executor, or administrator of the estate of a holder of title to land.(b) A...
- Section 34031.
“Property” embraces all real and personal property, including water, water rights, works, easements, and rights of way.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34032.
“Contract” includes agreement, lease, conveyance, and obligation.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34033.
“Works” includes works to supply water for domestic, industrial, and municipal purposes, irrigation works, drainage works, reclamation works, distributing systems, dams, reservoirs, and canals.(Amended by...
- Section 34034.
“Charges” includes tolls and rates.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34035.
“Bonds” includes both general obligation bonds and revenue bonds except as otherwise expressly provided.(Added by Stats. 1951, Ch. 390.)
- Section 34036.
Whenever by this division a notice is required to be published for a designated number of weeks or once a week for a designated number...
Last modified: October 22, 2018