California Water Code CHAPTER 2 - Investigation by Department

  • Section 39600.
    The department shall determine the practicability, feasibility, and utility of the proposed project, and for that purpose may make all necessary studies, examinations, surveys, plans,...
  • Section 39601.
    The department, for the purposes of the determination, may employ all necessary assistants, or acquire and use any existing estimates, surveys, and reports.(Added by Stats....
  • Section 39602.
    The total of all expenses incurred pursuant to this chapter shall not exceed a sum in dollars equal in amount to one-fourth the number of...
  • Section 39603.
    The department shall issue warrants to pay expenses incurred pursuant to this chapter, which warrants shall be considered and treated as warrants of the district...
  • Section 39604.
    Provision may be made for payment of warrants issued pursuant to this article in any bond issue authorized for the purposes of the district.(Added by...
  • Section 39605.
    If the district is not organized, any warrants issued by the department shall be a charge upon the undertakings provided for in this part and...

Last modified: October 22, 2018