California Water Code CHAPTER 2 - Redivision and Establishing of Precincts
- Section 41150.
The board shall establish a convenient number of election precincts in the district and define the boundaries thereof. At least one precinct must be established...
- Section 41151.
The board may at any time, but not less than 60 days before an election to be held in the district, change the boundaries of...
- Section 41153.
The redivision order of the board shall be filed in the office of the secretary and a copy certified by the secretary shall be filed...
- Section 41154.
The board shall at its next regular meeting establish a convenient number of election precincts in each of the new divisions. No precinct shall include...
- Section 41155.
The directors in office at the time new divisions are established shall continue in office for the divisions from which they were elected until the...
Last modified: October 22, 2018