California Water Code ARTICLE 2 - Demand Warrants

  • Section 53020.
    Demand warrants may be in substantially the following form: FaceNo. ________$ ________Office of the Board of Trustees of Reclamation District No. _________The Treasurer of ____ County will pay...
  • Section 53021.
    Demand warrants shall be presented to the county treasurer, and, if not paid on presentation, shall be registered and an endorsement of nonpayment made thereon.(Added...
  • Section 53022.
    Demand warrants not paid on presentation shall bear interest from date of registration at the rate adopted by the board, pursuant to Section 53300.(Amended by...
  • Section 53023.
    Demand warrants registered for nonpayment shall be paid by the county treasurer either in the order of registration or in the order agreed to, in...

Last modified: October 22, 2018