California Water Code ARTICLE 4 - Water Supplier Contracts
- Section 1745.
As used in this article, the following terms have the following meanings:(a) “Person” includes a public agency.(b) “Water supplier” means a local public agency or private company...
- Section 1745.02.
A water supplier may, for a consideration to be specified in the contract, contract with persons entitled to service within the supplier’s service area to...
- Section 1745.03.
Services performed under a contract entered into pursuant to this chapter or Chapter 3.6 (commencing with Section 380) of Division 1 which is offered generally...
- Section 1745.04.
A water supplier may contract with a state drought water bank or with any other state or local water supplier or user inside or outside...
- Section 1745.05.
(a) Water stored by the water supplier and water made available from either of the following sources may be transferred by the water supplier pursuant to...
- Section 1745.06.
A water supplier may transfer water pursuant to Section 1745.04 whether or not the water proposed to be transferred is surplus to the needs within...
- Section 1745.07.
No transfer of water pursuant to this article or any other provision of law shall cause a forfeiture, diminution, or impairment of any water rights....
- Section 1745.08.
This article is in addition to, and not a limitation on, the authority of any public agency under any other provision of law, including, but...
- Section 1745.09.
Nothing in this article does any of the following:(a) Creates in any person a right to require any water supplier to enter into a contract providing...
- Section 1745.10.
A water user that transfers surface water pursuant to this article may not replace that water with groundwater unless the groundwater use is either of...
- Section 1745.11.
Nothing in this article prohibits the transfer of previously recharged groundwater from an overdrafted groundwater basin or the replacement of transferred surface water with groundwater...
Last modified: October 22, 2018