California Water Code ARTICLE 1 - General Provisions
- Section 1250.
The board shall consider and act upon all applications for permits to appropriate water and shall do all things required or proper relating to such...
- Section 1250.5.
The board shall consider and act upon all applications for permits to appropriate water which propose, as a primary purpose of the application, the development...
- Section 1251.
The board shall make such investigations of the water resources of the State as may be necessary for the purpose of securing information needed in...
- Section 1252.
Any person may apply for and secure from the board, in conformity with this part and in conformity with reasonable rules and regulations adopted from...
- Section 1252.1.
An appropriation of water of any stream or other source of water under this part does not confer authority upon the appropriator to prevent or...
- Section 1252.5.
All rights and privileges conferred by this part upon any person in relation to the appropriation of water are likewise conferred upon the United States,...
- Section 1253.
The board shall allow the appropriation for beneficial purposes of unappropriated water under such terms and conditions as in its judgment will best develop, conserve,...
- Section 1254.
In acting upon applications to appropriate water the board shall be guided by the policy that domestic use is the highest use and irrigation is...
- Section 1255.
The board shall reject an application when in its judgment the proposed appropriation would not best conserve the public interest.(Amended by Stats. 1957, Ch. 1932.)
- Section 1256.
In determining public interest under Sections 1253 and 1255, the board shall give consideration to any general or co-ordinated plan looking toward the control, protection,...
- Section 1257.
In acting upon application to appropriate water, the board shall consider the relative benefit to be derived from (1) all beneficial uses of the water concerned...
- Section 1257.5.
The board, in acting on applications to appropriate water, shall consider streamflow requirements proposed for fish and wildlife purposes pursuant to Sections 10001 and 10002...
- Section 1258.
In acting upon applications to appropriate water, the board shall consider water quality control plans which have been established pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with...
- Section 1259.
In acting upon applications to appropriate water, the board shall consider the state goal of providing a decent home and suitable living environment for every...
- Section 1259.2.
(a) The board shall annually prepare a written summary, in chart form, of pending applications to appropriate water in the Counties of Marin, Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino,...
- Section 1259.4.
(a) (1) On or before January 1, 2008, the board shall adopt principles and guidelines for maintaining instream flows in coastal streams from the Mattole River to...
Last modified: October 22, 2018