California Water Code ARTICLE 2 - Publication of Notice
- Section 1310.
If the application is for more than three cubic feet per second or for more than 200 acre-feet per annum of storage the notice of...
- Section 1311.
Upon receipt of notice of an application coming under this article, the applicant shall cause it to be published as directed by the board.(Amended by...
- Section 1312.
The notice shall be published at the expense of the applicant at least once a week for three consecutive weeks, commencing within 20 days of...
- Section 1313.
In case there is no newspaper published within the appropriate county publication shall be made in a newspaper having a general circulation within the county.(Enacted...
- Section 1315.
Proof of publication shall be filed by the applicant within 60 days from the date of issuance of the notice.(Enacted by Stats. 1943, Ch. 368.)
- Section 1316.
Proof of publication shall be by copy of the notice as published attached to and made a part of the affidavit of the publisher or...
- Section 1317.
The board may cancel any application for failure of the applicant to file proof of publication in accordance with this article, provided the board first...
Last modified: October 22, 2018