California Water Code CHAPTER 4 - Protest of Application
- Section 1330.
Any person interested may, within the time allowed in the notice of application or within such further time as may, for good cause shown, be...
- Section 1331.
The protest shall meet all of the following requirements:(a) State the name and address of the protestant.(b) Be signed by the protestant, or the protestant’s agent or...
- Section 1332.
The board may request from the protestant additional information reasonably necessary to clarify, amplify, correct, or otherwise supplement the information required to be submitted under...
- Section 1333.
The protestant and the applicant shall make a good faith effort to resolve the protest within 180 days from the date on which the period...
- Section 1334.
The board may request from the protestant or the applicant additional information that the board determines is reasonably necessary to attempt to resolve the protest....
- Section 1335.
(a) The board may cancel a protest or application for failure to provide information requested by the board under this article within the period provided.(b) Except as...
Last modified: October 22, 2018