California Water Code ARTICLE 8 - Yuba Feather Flood Protection Program
- Section 79068.
Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in this section govern the construction of this article.(a) “Nonstructural improvements” are projects that are intended to...
- Section 79068.2.
There is hereby created in the account the Yuba Feather Flood Protection Subaccount.(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 725, Sec. 1. Approved in Proposition 13 at...
- Section 79068.4.
The sum of ninety million dollars ($90,000,000) is hereby transferred from the account to the subaccount for the purposes of implementing this article.(Added by Stats....
- Section 79068.6.
Seventy million dollars ($70,000,000) in the subaccount, upon appropriation by the Legislature to the department or Reclamation Board, shall be used by the department or...
- Section 79068.8.
No expenditures of state funds may be made under this article until the department or the Reclamation Board determines that all of the following requirements...
- Section 79068.10.
All of the following factors shall be considered by the department and the Reclamation Board for prioritizing projects:(a) Potential loss of life from flooding.(b) Increased flood protection...
- Section 79068.12.
Of the fund appropriated pursuant to Section 79068.6, two million six hundred thousand dollars ($2,600,000) in the subaccount shall be used for the local share...
- Section 79068.14.
(a) Twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) in the subaccount, upon appropriation to the Department of Fish and Game, may be used by that department, if it determines...
- Section 79068.16.
If all of the funds appropriated pursuant to Section 79068.6 are encumbered, and any funds described in Section 79068.14 are not needed for the purposes...
- Section 79068.18.
Not more than 5 percent of the total amount deposited in the subaccount may be used to pay the costs incurred in connection with the...
- Section 79068.20.a.
The department and the Reclamation Board may adopt regulations to carry out this article.(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 1078, Sec. 4. Effective January 1, 2001....
Last modified: October 22, 2018