California Water Code ARTICLE 5 - Southern California Integrated Watershed Program

  • Section 79104.20.
    The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following:(a) The Santa Ana Watershed is experiencing increased water demands due to significant population growth that has...
  • Section 79104.22.
    (a) There is hereby created in the account the Santa Ana River Watershed Subaccount.(b) For purposes of this article, “subaccount” means the Santa Ana River Watershed Subaccount...
  • Section 79104.24.
    The sum of two hundred thirty-five million dollars ($235,000,000) is hereby transferred from the account to the subaccount.(Added by Stats. 1999, Ch. 725, Sec. 1....
  • Section 79104.26.
    The money in the subaccount, upon appropriation by the Legislature to the board, may be used by the board for allocation to the Santa Ana...
  • Section 79104.30.
    It is the intent of the Legislature to urge the federal government to allocate funds for projects to improve the Santa Ana River Watershed to...
  • Section 79104.32.
    It is the intent of the Legislature that the expenditure of the funds under this article be made through a broad-based watershed stakeholder process.(Added by...
  • Section 79104.34.
    Not more than 3 percent of the total amount deposited in the subaccount may be used to pay costs incurred by the board in connection...

Last modified: October 22, 2018