California Water Code CHAPTER 2 - General Provisions
- Section 6025.
It is the intent of the Legislature by this part to provide for the regulation and supervision of dams and reservoirs exclusively by the State.(Enacted...
- Section 6025.5.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision, subject to subdivision (b), the requirements for state regulation and supervision of safety of dams, as contained in this division, shall...
- Section 6025.6.
(a) An owner of a structure defined as a dam pursuant to Section 6002, but excluded from that definition pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 6004...
- Section 6026.
No city or county has authority, by ordinance enacted by the legislative body thereof or adopted by the people under the initiative power, or otherwise,...
- Section 6027.
Whenever supervision of safety of design or construction of a proposed or existing dam or reservoir is exercised by the United States or any of...
- Section 6028.
No action shall be brought against the state or the department or its agents or employees for the recovery of damages caused by the partial...
- Section 6029.
Nothing in this part shall be construed to relieve an owner or operator of a dam or reservoir of the legal duties, obligations, or liabilities...
- Section 6030.
The findings and orders of the department and the certificate of approval of any dam or reservoir issued by the department are final and conclusive...
- Section 6031.
Nothing in this part shall be construed to deprive any owner of such recourse to the courts as he may be entitled to under the...
- Section 6032.
If a dam is owned by one or more persons or entities, the owners shall form or delegate legal and financial authority to a single...
Last modified: October 22, 2018