California Water Code CHAPTER 1 - The Delta Plan
- Section 85300.
(a) On or before January 1, 2012, the council shall develop, adopt, and commence implementation of the Delta Plan pursuant to this part that furthers the...
- Section 85301.
(a) The commission shall develop, for consideration and incorporation into the Delta Plan by the council, a proposal to protect, enhance, and sustain the unique cultural,...
- Section 85302.
(a) The implementation of the Delta Plan shall further the restoration of the Delta ecosystem and a reliable water supply.(b) The geographic scope of the ecosystem restoration...
- Section 85303.
The Delta Plan shall promote statewide water conservation, water use efficiency, and sustainable use of water.(Added by Stats. 2009, 7th Ex. Sess., Ch. 5, Sec....
- Section 85304.
The Delta Plan shall promote options for new and improved infrastructure relating to the water conveyance in the Delta, storage systems, and for the operation...
- Section 85305.
(a) The Delta Plan shall attempt to reduce risks to people, property, and state interests in the Delta by promoting effective emergency preparedness, appropriate land uses,...
- Section 85306.
The council, in consultation with the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, shall recommend in the Delta Plan priorities for state investments in levee operation, maintenance,...
- Section 85307.
(a) The Delta Plan may identify actions to be taken outside of the Delta, if those actions are determined to significantly reduce flood risks in the...
- Section 85308.
The Delta Plan shall meet all of the following requirements:(a) Be based on the best available scientific information and the independent science advice provided by the...
- Section 85309.
The department, in consultation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, shall prepare a proposal to coordinate...
Last modified: October 22, 2018