California Water Code ARTICLE 2 - Polling Places, Notices and Board of Election
- Section 9355.
The board shall, in its order providing for the election, specify the day on which the election is to be held and shall specify and...
- Section 9356.
In case the board considers it necessary or proper to provide more than one polling place in any supervisor district for the holding of the...
- Section 9357.
The board shall designate and provide one polling place within each voting district at which shall be cast the votes of the owners of land...
- Section 9358.
The board may combine contiguous portions of different supervisor districts into one voting district in cases where the lands in the voting district are not...
- Section 9359.
The board shall in the order providing the election, appoint a board of election for each polling place.(Added by Stats. 1943, Ch. 369.)
- Section 9360.
The board of election shall consist of three owners of land assessed in and by the assessment and situated within the voting district where the...
- Section 9361.
Each member of the board of election, whether appointed by the board or whether acting as a substitute as provided in this part, is entitled...
- Section 9362.
The compensation of the election officers shall be paid by the board out of any funds of the drainage district or of the board applicable...
- Section 9363.
If any person appointed as a member of the board of election fails to attend at the opening of the polls, the voters then present...
- Section 9364.
Each member of the board of election before entering upon the discharge of his duties shall take and subscribe an official oath, which may be...
- Section 9365.
The oath shall be to the effect that he will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State and that...
- Section 9366.
Notice of the election shall be given by the board by posting notices thereof in at least three public places in each voting district at...
- Section 9367.
The notice shall specify the time and place of holding the election, the aggregate face value of bonds proposed to be issued, and the names...
- Section 9368.
Affidavits of publication and posting of the notices shall be filed with the county elections official of the county in which the notices have been...
- Section 9369.
Duplicate original affidavits of publication and posting of the notice, shall be filed in the office of the board.(Added by Stats. 1943, Ch. 369.)
Last modified: October 22, 2018