California Water Code ARTICLE 3 - Regional Water Quality Control Plans
- Section 13240.
Each regional board shall formulate and adopt water quality control plans for all areas within the region. Such plans shall conform to the policies set...
- Section 13241.
Each regional board shall establish such water quality objectives in water quality control plans as in its judgment will ensure the reasonable protection of beneficial...
- Section 13242.
The program of implementation for achieving water quality objectives shall include, but not be limited to:(a) A description of the nature of actions which are necessary...
- Section 13243.
A regional board, in a water quality control plan or in waste discharge requirements, may specify certain conditions or areas where the discharge of waste,...
- Section 13244.
The regional boards shall not adopt any water quality control plan unless a public hearing is first held, after the giving of notice of such...
- Section 13245.
A water quality control plan, or a revision thereof adopted by a regional board, shall not become effective unless and until it is approved by...
- Section 13245.5.
Guidelines adopted by a regional board shall not become effective unless and until approved by the state board.(Added by Stats. 1986, Ch. 758, Sec. 3.)
- Section 13246.
(a) The state board shall act upon any water quality control plan not later than 60 days from the date the regional board submitted the plan...
- Section 13247.
State offices, departments, and boards, in carrying out activities which may affect water quality, shall comply with water quality control plans approved or adopted by...
- Section 13248.
(a) At any time, the state board may, on its own motion, review the regional board’s failure to act under this article.(b) The state board may find...
Last modified: October 22, 2018