(a) (1) Subject to the availability of funding each year, the State Department of Mental Health shall award primary intervention program grants pursuant to a request for proposal consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(2) In counties over 100,000 in population, each application shall be the product of a proposal developed jointly between the local mental health program and a school district or publicly funded preschool. The grant award shall be administered by the local mental health program.
(3) In counties 100,000 in population and under, an application may be submitted pursuant to paragraph (2) or by the county superintendent of schools on behalf of one or more school districts, or by a school district. If an application is submitted by the county superintendent of schools or by a school district, the county office of education or the school district shall administer the grant and the application shall include evidence satisfactory to the department that adequate mental health training and consultation will be provided at each program site.
(b) Prior to dissemination of a request for proposal, the department shall establish a maximum figure for the amount of program funds available per project site and for the number of sites that may be funded per school district or regional area. The department shall be guided in its decisions by the availability of uncommitted funds designated for the primary intervention program.
(c) Primary intervention program grants shall be funded from funds appropriated for programs pursuant to Part 4 (commencing with Section 4370) and shall receive first priority for these funds.
(d) Upon approving a primary intervention grant, the State Department of Mental Health shall contract with the grant recipient to provide a primary intervention program for a period of up to three years.
(e) Costs of a primary intervention program shall be financed on a basis of:
(1) A maximum of 50 percent from primary intervention program grant funds or a maximum established by the department, whichever is less.
(2) At least 50 percent from a combination of school district or preschool and local mental health program funds.
(f) The school district or preschool share may be in-kind contributions, including staff, space, equipment, materials, and reasonable administrative services.
(1) Contributed space to be used for child aide sessions must be comfortable, attractive, and engaging to young children. Small individual rooms are preferable.
(2) Space to be used for group meetings and consultation sessions may also be contributed.
(3) Equipment and materials may be contributed if they include items that encourage child participation in nondirective play.
(g) The local mental health program share may include either the cost of the mental health professionals as described in subdivision (b) of Section 4346 or the contribution of professional staff to provide case consultation to the child aides and assistance in child aide training.
(Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 722, Sec. 19. Effective September 15, 1992.)
Last modified: October 25, 2018