California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 708

CA Welf & Inst Code ยง 708 (2017)  

(a) Whenever a minor who appears to be a danger to himself or herself or others as a result of the use of controlled substances (as defined in Division 10 (commencing with Section 11000) of the Health and Safety Code), is brought before any judge of the juvenile court, the judge may continue the hearing and proceed pursuant to this section. The court may order the minor taken to a facility designated by the county and approved by the State Department of Health Care Services as a facility for 72-hour treatment and evaluation. Thereupon the provisions of Section 5343 shall apply, except that the professional person in charge of the facility shall make a written report to the court concerning the results of the evaluation of the minor.

(b) If the professional person in charge of the facility for 72-hour evaluation and treatment reports to the juvenile court that the minor is not a danger to himself or herself or others as a result of the use of controlled substances or that the minor does not require 14-day intensive treatment, or if the minor has been certified for not more than 14 days of intensive treatment and the certification is terminated, the minor shall be released if the juvenile court proceedings have been dismissed; referred for further care and treatment on a voluntary basis, subject to the disposition of the juvenile court proceedings; or returned to the juvenile court, in which event the court shall proceed with the case pursuant to this chapter.

(c) Any expenditure for the evaluation or intensive treatment of a minor under this section shall be considered an expenditure made under Part 2 (commencing with Section 5600) of Division 5, and shall be reimbursed by the state as are other local expenditures pursuant to that part.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 23, Sec. 28. (AB 82) Effective June 27, 2013.)

Last modified: October 25, 2018