California Welfare and Institutions Code ARTICLE 13.6 - Serious Habitual Offenders

  • Section 500.
    The Legislature hereby finds that a substantial and disproportionate amount of serious crime is committed by a relatively small number of chronic juvenile offenders commonly...
  • Section 501.
    (a) There is hereby established in the Office of Criminal Justice Planning a program of financial assistance for law enforcement, district attorneys, probation departments, juvenile courts,...
  • Section 502.
    (a) An individual shall be the subject of the efforts of programs established pursuant to this article who has been previously adjudged a ward pursuant to...
  • Section 503.
    Programs funded under this article shall adopt and pursue the following policies:(a) Each participating law enforcement agency shall do all of the following: (1) Gather data on...
  • Section 504.
    The judge of the juvenile court shall authorize the inspection of juvenile court records, probation and protective services records, district attorney records, school records, and...
  • Section 505.
    Within three months of implementation of the program, all participating agencies in a county shall execute a written interagency agreement outlining their role in the...
  • Section 506.
    Law enforcement agencies and district attorneys participating in programs funded pursuant to this article shall adopt procedures to require a check of juvenile criminal history...

Last modified: October 22, 2018