California Welfare and Institutions Code CHAPTER 1 - County Psychiatric Hospitals

  • Section 7100.
    (a) The board of supervisors of each county may maintain in the county hospital or in any other hospital situated within or without the county or...
  • Section 7101.
    As used in this chapter “county psychiatric hospital” means the hospital, ward, or facility provided by the county pursuant to the provisions of Section 7100.(Added...
  • Section 7102.
    The superintendent or person in charge of the county psychiatric hospital, may receive, detain, supervise, care for or treat in the hospital any person who...
  • Section 7103.
    The superintendent or person in charge of the county psychiatric hospital may admit and provide care and treatment in the hospital for any person who...
  • Section 7104.
    Any adult person detained in such hospital, who is in such condition of mind as to render him competent to make such application shall at...
  • Section 7105.
    A superintendent or person in charge of the county psychiatric hospital may discharge any patient who is not a proper case for treatment therein.(Added by...
  • Section 7106.
    In case a county psychiatric hospital patient or the person legally liable for his maintenance is or becomes the owner of property, real, personal, or...
  • Section 7107.
    Any superintendent or person in charge of the county psychiatric hospital, and any public officer, public employee, or public physician who either admits, causes to...

Last modified: October 22, 2018