California Welfare and Institutions Code ARTICLE 7 - Leave of Absence, Discharge, and Restoration to Capacity of Persons Other Than the Mentally Disordered Criminals
- Section 7350.
The provisions of this article except for Section 7355 shall not apply to any patient held upon an order of a court or judge in...
- Section 7351.
Wherever in any provision of this code heretofore or hereafter enacted the term “parole” is used in relation to the release of a patient from...
- Section 7352.
(a) The medical director of a state hospital may grant a leave of absence to a judicially committed patient, except as provided in Section 7350, under...
- Section 7352.5.
The medical director of a state hospital for the developmentally disabled may grant a leave of absence to any developmentally disabled patient or judicially committed...
- Section 7353.
The State Department of State Hospitals shall pay the premium for third-party health coverage for Medicare beneficiaries who are patients at state hospitals under the...
- Section 7354.
(a) A person with a mental health disorder may be granted care in a licensed institution or other suitable licensed or certified facility. The State Department...
- Section 7354.5.
Any developmentally disabled person may be granted care in a licensed institution or other suitably licensed or certified facility. The State Department of Developmental Services...
- Section 7355.
No patient shall be discharged or, granted a leave of absence, or placed on parole or outpatient care from a state hospital without suitable clothing...
- Section 7356.
The charges for the care and keeping of persons on leave of absence from a state hospital where the State Department of State Hospitals, the...
- Section 7357.
The superintendent of a state hospital, on filing his or her written certificate with the Director of State Hospitals, may discharge a patient who, in...
- Section 7359.
The superintendent of a state hospital, on filing his or her written certificate with the Director of State Hospitals, may discharge as improved, or may...
- Section 7360.
The medical superintendent shall not refuse to discharge any judicially committed patient as improved, on the ground that the guardian, friends, or relatives of the...
- Section 7361.
When the superintendent is unwilling to certify to the discharge of an unrecovered judicially committed patient, upon request, and so certifies in writing, giving his...
- Section 7362.
(a) The medical superintendent of a state hospital, on filing his or her written certificate with the Director of State Hospitals, may on his or her...
Last modified: October 22, 2018