45.011 Definitions.—In all statutes about practice and procedure “plaintiff” means any party seeking affirmative relief whether plaintiff, counterclaimant, cross-claimant; or third-party plaintiff, counterclaimant or cross-claimant; “defendant” means any party against whom such relief is sought; “bond with surety” means a bond with two good and sufficient sureties, each with unencumbered property not subject to any exemption afforded by law equal in value to the penal sum of the bond or a bond with a licensed surety company as surety or a cash deposit conditioned as for a bond.
History.—s. 1, ch. 67-254.
Section: 45.011 45.021 45.031 45.0315 45.032 45.033 45.034 45.035 45.041 45.045 45.051 45.061 45.062 45.075 NextLast modified: September 23, 2016