429.20 Certain solicitation prohibited; third-party supplementation.—
(1) A person may not, in connection with the solicitation of contributions by or on behalf of an assisted living facility or facilities, misrepresent or mislead any person, by any manner, means, practice, or device whatsoever, to believe that the receipts of such solicitation will be used for charitable purposes, if that is not the fact.
(2) Solicitation of contributions of any kind in a threatening, coercive, or unduly forceful manner by or on behalf of an assisted living facility or facilities by any agent, employee, owner, or representative of any assisted living facility or facilities is grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of the license of the assisted living facility or facilities by or on behalf of which such contributions were solicited.
(3) The admission or maintenance of assisted living facility residents whose care is supported, in whole or in part, by state funds may not be conditioned upon the receipt of any manner of contribution or donation from any person. The solicitation or receipt of contributions in violation of this subsection is grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of license, as provided in s. 429.14, for any assisted living facility by or on behalf of which such contributions were solicited.
(4) An assisted living facility may accept additional supplementation from third parties on behalf of residents receiving optional state supplementation in accordance with s. 409.212.
History.—ss. 50, 83, ch. 83-181; ss. 16, 38, 39, ch. 93-216; s. 13, ch. 95-210; ss. 2, 44, ch. 2006-197.
Note.—Former s. 400.42.
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