Georgia Code § 12-3-552 - Georgia Music Hall of Fame Authority and Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Authority to Cooperate With State Agencies

The Georgia Music Hall of Fame Authority and the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Authority shall cooperate with the committee, its authorized personnel, the Attorney General, the state auditor, the state accounting officer, and other state agencies in order that the charges of the committee, set forth in this part, may be timely and efficiently discharged. Each authority shall submit to the committee such reports and data as the committee shall reasonably require of each authority in order that the committee may adequately perform its functions. The Attorney General is authorized to bring appropriate legal actions to enforce any laws specifically or generally relating to the two authorities. The committee shall, on or before the first day of January of each year, and at such other times as it deems necessary, submit to the General Assembly a report of its findings and recommendations based upon the review of the two authorities, as set forth in this part.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016