Georgia Code, Title 12, Chapter 5, Article 10 - Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District
- § 12-5-570 - Short Title
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Act."
- § 12-5-571 - Legislative Intent
(a) The General Assembly recognizes the value of the metropolitan North Georgia area watersheds for water supply, recreation, habitat for fish and wildlife, economic...
- § 12-5-572 - Creation; Purpose
(a) There is created the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District.(b) The general purposes of the district shall be to establish policy, create plans,...
- § 12-5-573 - Definitions
As used in this article, the term: (1) "Board" means the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Governing Board created under Code Section 12-5-575....
- § 12-5-574 - Powers; Approval of Plan Non-Binding on Finances; Extension of Time for Preparing Plan
(a) The district shall promote regional coordination and cooperation through the exercise of the following powers: (1) Development of regional and watershed-specific plans for...
- § 12-5-575 - Board Created; Appointments; Vacancies; Terms
(a) There is established for the management of the business and affairs of the district a Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District Governing Board...
- § 12-5-576 - Open Meetings; Quorum; Voting; Executive Sessions
(a) The board shall meet at least three times per year at a time and place set forth in the minutes of the district...
- § 12-5-577 - Operating Budget; Sources of Funding; Power to Enter Into Contracts and to Expend Funds; Depositing
(a) Prior to July 1 each year, the officers of the board shall submit to the district for adoption a preliminary budget required for...
- § 12-5-578 - Adjoining Counties or Municipalities Application to Be Added to the District Area
Any county or municipality adjoining a member county or municipality shall be added to the district area upon the application of such entity to...
- § 12-5-579 - Staffing; Cooperation Among Agencies
(a) The district staff shall consist initially of the existing staff of the Environmental Planning Division of the Atlanta Regional Commission. Additional staff may...
- § 12-5-580 - Coordinating Committees; Finance Committees
(a) The board shall create one or more technical coordinating committees comprised primarily of water and waste-water officials from counties, cities, and authorities in...
- § 12-5-581 - Advisory Councils
(a) The board shall create separate advisory councils for the Chattahoochee, Etowah, Flint, Oconee, and Ocmulgee river basins and the Lake Lanier Basin. The...
- § 12-5-582 - Model Ordinances for Effective Storm-Water Management and for a District-Wide Watershed Management Plan; Annual Review; Public Meetings; Certification by Director; Local Compliance
(a) Within one year after May 1, 2001, unless such time period is extended by majority vote of the board, the district shall prepare...
- § 12-5-583 - Short-Term and Long-Term Plans for Waste-Water Management Plan; Annual Review; Public Meetings; Certification by Director
(a) Within one year after May 1, 2001, unless such time period is extended by majority vote of the board, the district shall develop...
- § 12-5-584 - Water Supply and Water Conservation Management Plan; Interbasin Transfers
(a) Within two years after May 1, 2001, unless such time period is extended by majority vote of the board, the district shall prepare...
- § 12-5-585 - Education and Public Awareness
Any district plan required to include an element of education and public awareness shall describe those measures to be taken by the district and...
- § 12-5-586 - Annual Report Detailing Activities and Progress
The district shall submit a written report not later than December 31 of each year to the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of...
Last modified: October 14, 2016