Business Contracts
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Georgia Laws
Georgia Code, Title 13, Chapter 4, Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 13-4-1 - Alteration of Written Contract -- Effect Generally
If a written contract is altered intentionally and in a material part thereof by a person claiming a benefit under it with intent to...
§ 13-4-2 - Alteration of Written Contract -- Determination of Materiality of Alteration; Determination of Fact of Alteration
The materiality of an alteration is a question of law for the court; the fact of an alteration is a question for the jury.
§ 13-4-3 - Alteration of Written Contract -- Requirement of Preliminary Proof As to Material Alteration
If the contract is not set forth as the basis of the action, so as to require a denial under oath, an alteration in...
§ 13-4-4 - Effect of Mutual Departure From Contract Terms
Where parties, in the course of the execution of a contract, depart from its terms and pay or receive money under such departure, before...
§ 13-4-5 - Effect of Execution of Second Contract Upon Same Matter; Novation
A simple contract regarding the same matter and based on no new consideration does not destroy another simple contract between the same parties; but,...
Last modified: October 14, 2016