Georgia Code § 15-11-490 - Venue; Transfers Between Juvenile Courts

(a) A proceeding under this article may be commenced:

(1) In the county in which an allegedly delinquent child legally resides; or

(2) In any county in which the alleged delinquent acts occurred.

(b) If the adjudicating court finds that a nonresident child has committed a delinquent act, the adjudicating court may retain jurisdiction over the disposition of a nonresident child or may transfer the proceeding to the county of such child's residence for disposition. Like transfer may be made if the residence of such child changes pending the proceeding.

(c) If the adjudicating court retains jurisdiction, prior to making any order for disposition of a nonresident child, the adjudicating court shall communicate to the court of the county of such child's residence the fact that such child has been adjudicated to have committed a delinquent act. Such communication shall state the date upon which the adjudicating court plans to enter an order for disposition of such nonresident child and shall request any information or recommendations relevant to the disposition of such nonresident child. Any such recommendation shall be considered by but shall not be binding upon the adjudicating court in making its order for disposition.

(d) When any case is transferred, certified copies of all documents and records pertaining to the case on file with the clerk of the court shall accompany the transfer order. Compliance with this subsection shall terminate jurisdiction in the transferring court and initiate jurisdiction in the receiving court.

Section: 15-11-490  

Last modified: October 14, 2016