Georgia Code, Title 15, Chapter 21, Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 15-21-1 - Time of Payment of Fines
Every fine imposed by a court under the authority of this Code shall be paid immediately or within such reasonable time as the court...
- § 15-21-2 - Payment Into County Treasury of Fines and Bond Forfeitures
(a) (1) The clerks of the several courts shall pay into the county treasury of the county where the court is held all moneys...
- § 15-21-3 - Maintenance of Moneys From Fines and Bond Forfeitures in County Treasury
The moneys arising from fines and bond forfeitures paid into the county treasury shall be kept separate and distinct from the county funds arising...
- § 15-21-4 - Distribution of Fines and Bond Forfeitures Generally; Liability of the Clerk of the Court As to Distribution
All moneys arising from fines and bond forfeitures shall, at each term of the court, be distributed by the clerk of the court under...
- § 15-21-5 - Procedure for Filing and Payment of Claims of Officers of Court When Defendant Acquitted or Person Liable is Insolvent Generally
Any officer having a claim against the fine and bond forfeitures fund for insolvent costs, or in cases where defendants have been acquitted, if...
- § 15-21-6 - Procedure for Filing and Payment of Claims of Officers of County Courts, Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace, and Constables Generally
Reserved. Repealed by Ga. L. 1983, p. 884, § 5-2, effective July 1, 1983.
- § 15-21-7 - Report by County Treasurer to Grand Jury As to Fines and Bond Forfeitures Received and Disbursed; Compensation of Treasurer; Effect of Code Section Upon Local Laws
(a) The county treasurer shall report to the grand jury the amounts of fines and bond forfeitures received by him and to whom disbursed...
- § 15-21-8 - Applicability and Effect of Code Sections 15-21-2 Through 15-21-7
Code Sections 15-21-2 through 15-21-7 do not apply to city courts, nor do they authorize a judge to draw his warrant to pay insolvent...
- § 15-21-9 - Lien of Officers for Payment of Insolvent Costs
The officers of court shall have a lien upon all funds arising from fines and bond forfeitures for the payment of their insolvent costs.
- § 15-21-10 - Procedure for Filing and Payment of Claims of Officers of Court When Indictment Found Not True, Defendant Acquitted, or Persons Unable to Pay
In cases where a bill of indictment is preferred and not found true by the grand jury, where a defendant is acquitted by a...
- § 15-21-11 - Priorities for Distribution of Fines and Forfeitures Generally
Unless otherwise provided by law, money arising from fines for a violation of the penal laws or collected on forfeited recognizances in the superior...
- § 15-21-12 - Contract for Collection of Moneys Owed Court
For the purpose of collecting any moneys owed to a court pursuant to a judgment and with the recommendation of such court, a local...
- § 15-21-13 - Priority of Payment of Claims for Fees of Solicitors of City Courts, Sheriffs, Clerks, and District Attorneys
(a) All claims for fees of solicitors of city courts, sheriffs, clerks, and district attorneys shall be paid from the funds arising from fines...
Last modified: October 14, 2016