Georgia Code § 16-13-58 - Funds for Development and Maintenance of Program; Granting of Funds to Dispensers

(a) The agency shall be authorized to apply for available grants and may accept any gifts, grants, donations, and other funds to assist in developing and maintaining the program established pursuant to Code Section 16-13-57; provided, however, that neither the board, agency, nor any other state entity shall accept a grant that requires as a condition of the grant any sharing of information that is inconsistent with this part.

(b) The agency shall be authorized to grant funds to dispensers for the purpose of covering costs for dedicated equipment and software for dispensers to use in complying with the reporting requirements of Code Section 16-13-59. Such grants to dispensers shall be funded by gifts, grants, donations, or other funds received by the agency for the operation of the program established pursuant to Code Section 16-13-57. The agency shall be authorized to establish standards and specifications for any equipment and software purchased pursuant to a grant received by a dispenser pursuant to this Code section. Nothing in this part shall be construed to require a dispenser to incur costs to purchase equipment or software to comply with this part.

(c) Nothing in this part shall be construed to require any appropriation of state funds.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016