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Georgia Code, Title 16, Chapter 11, Article 5 - Offenses Involving Illegal Aliens
§ 16-11-200 - Definitions; Offense of Transporting or Moving Illegal Aliens; Exceptions; Penalties
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Illegal alien" means a person who is verified by the federal government to be...
§ 16-11-201 - Definitions; Offense of Concealing, Harboring, or Shielding an Illegal Alien; Penalties; Exceptions
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Harboring" or "harbors" means any conduct that tends to substantially help an illegal alien...
§ 16-11-202 - Illegal Alien Defined; Offense of Inducing an Illegal Alien to Enter State; Penalties
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "illegal alien" means a person who is verified by the federal government to be present...
§ 16-11-203 - Authority of Law Enforcement Officers to Enforce Federal Immigration Laws; Documentation
The testimony of any officer, employee, or agent of the federal government having confirmed that a person is an illegal alien shall be admissible...
Last modified: October 14, 2016