Georgia Code § 2-2-8 - Educational Exhibits Promoting State Resources At Agricultural Fairs Authorized

(a) The Commissioner is authorized to advertise and promote the agricultural resources of this state through the use of educational exhibits at agricultural fairs. When he so desires, the Commissioner is authorized to establish such exhibits in cooperation with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Georgia, the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Georgia, and other departments of this state.

(b) For an event to qualify as an agricultural fair, the organization sponsoring such fair must:

(1) Be able to show that at least 10 percent of the total receipts thereof are paid out in the form of premiums, scholarships, or agricultural programs; and

(2) Be a nonprofit organization, spending the profits of the fair on the enterprise or paying them out in the form of premiums, scholarships, or educational programs.

(c) Transportation costs, space rental, and utility costs at any agricultural fair shall be borne by the organization sponsoring such fair.

(d) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to prohibit governmental agencies from participating in or exhibiting the resources of this state at any agricultural fair.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016