Georgia Code § 20-2-2117 - Adoption and Promulgation of Rules; Immunity From Liability for Scholarship Decisions; Schools May Be Barred From Program Participation for Certain Actions

(a) The board shall adopt rules to administer the program regarding eligibility and participation of participating schools, including, but not limited to, timelines that will maximize student and public and private school participation, the calculation and distribution of scholarships to eligible students and participating schools, and the application and approval procedures for eligible students and participating schools. The department shall develop and utilize a compliance form for completion by participating schools. The department shall be authorized to require any pertinent information as it deems necessary from participating schools for the purpose of implementing the program. Participating schools shall be required to complete such forms and certify their accuracy.

(b) No liability shall arise on the part of the department or the state or of any local board of education based on the award or use of a scholarship awarded pursuant to this article.

(c) The department may bar a school from participation in the program if the department determines that the school has intentionally and substantially misrepresented information or failed to refund to the state any scholarship overpayments in a timely manner.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016