Georgia Code § 20-3-286 - Conflicts of Interest Involving Directors, Officers, or Employees of Corporation

If any director, officer, or employee of the corporation shall be interested, either directly or indirectly, or shall be a director, officer, or employee of or have an ownership interest in, other than a noncontrolling stockholder interest, or the substantial equivalent thereof, in a lender or school, any firm or corporation interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with the corporation, except any agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision of the state, such interest shall be disclosed to and shall be set forth in the minutes of the corporation; and the director, officer, or employee having such interest therein shall not participate on behalf of the corporation or such party in the negotiation or the authorization of the contract. No provision of this part, other than Code Section 20-3-289, shall be construed, however, to prevent any otherwise eligible director, officer, or employee of the corporation or member of his family from being eligible to apply for and receive educational loan assistance under this part.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016