Georgia Code § 21-2-371 - Unofficial Ballots; Out-Of-order Systems

(a) If ballots for a precinct at which an optical scanning voting system is to be used shall not be delivered to the poll officers as required by this chapter, the chief manager of such precinct shall cause other ballots to be prepared, printed, or written, as nearly in the form of official ballots as practicable; and the poll officers shall cause the ballots, so substituted, to be used at the primary or election, in the same manner, as nearly as may be, as the official ballots. Such ballots, so substituted, shall be known as unofficial ballots.

(b) If any optical scanning voting system being used in any primary or election shall become out of order during such primary or election, it shall, if possible, be repaired or another optical scanning voting system substituted by the custodian or superintendent as promptly as possible, for which purpose the governing authority of the county or municipality may purchase as many extra optical scanning voting systems as it may deem necessary; but, in case such repair or substitution cannot be made, the ballots may be voted manually.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016