- § 21-2-130 - Procedures for Qualification of Candidates Generally
Candidates may qualify for an election by virtue of: (1) Nomination in a primary conducted by a political party; (2) Filing a nomination petition...
- § 21-2-131 - Fixing and Publishing of Qualification Fees; Manner of Payment; Distribution of Fees Paid
(a) Qualification fees for party and public offices shall be fixed and published as follows: (1)(A) The governing authority of any county or municipality,...
- § 21-2-132 - Filing Notice of Candidacy, Nomination Petition, and Affidavit; Payment of Qualifying Fee; Pauper's Affidavit and Qualifying Petition for Exemption From Qualifying Fee; Military Service
(a) The names of nominees of political parties nominated in a primary and the names of nominees of political parties for the office of...
- § 21-2-133 - Giving Notice of Intent of Write-In Candidacy; Filing of Affidavit; Limitations on Candidacy; Certification of Candidates
(a) No person elected on a write-in vote shall be eligible to hold office unless notice of his or her intention of candidacy was...
- § 21-2-134 - Withdrawal, Death, or Disqualification of Candidate for Office; Return of Qualifying Fee; Nomination Certificate
(a) (1) A candidate nominated at any primary election or nominated by means other than a primary may withdraw as a candidate at the...
- § 21-2-135 - Designation of Specific Office Sought Where Office Has Multiple Officeholders With Same Title
(a)(1) In the case of a public office having multiple officeholders with the same title, each candidate, including write-in candidates, shall designate the specific...
- § 21-2-136 - Restriction on Number of Offices for Which an Individual May Be Nominated or Be a Candidate At Any One Election
No person shall be nominated, nor shall any person be a candidate in a primary, election, or special election, for more than one of...
- § 21-2-137 - Qualifying With Two Political Parties; Qualifying As Independent or Political Body Candidate and As Political Party Candidate
No person shall qualify with any political party as a candidate for nomination to any public office when such person has qualified for the...
- § 21-2-138 - Nonpartisan Elections for Judicial Offices
The names of all candidates who have qualified with the Secretary of State for the office of judge of a superior court, Judge of...
- § 21-2-139 - Nonpartisan Elections Authorized; Conduct
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the General Assembly may provide by local Act for the election in nonpartisan...
- § 21-2-140 - Mandatory Drug Testing for Candidates
Repealed by Ga. L. 1998, p. 295, § 1, effective January 1, 1999.
Last modified: October 14, 2016