Georgia Code § 25-11-17 - Additional Grounds for Revocation, Suspension, Refusal, or Nonrenewal of Licenses

In addition to the grounds set forth in Code Section 25-11-16, it is cause for revocation or suspension, refusal, or nonrenewal of certificates or licenses by the Commissioner if it is determined that the holder or applicant has:

(1) Rendered inoperative a water-based fire protection system covered by this chapter, except during a reasonable time during which the system is being repaired, altered, added to, maintained, inspected, or except pursuant to a court order;

(2) Falsified any record required to be maintained by this chapter or rules or regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter or current fire codes enforced by the Commissioner;

(3) Improperly installed, repaired, serviced, modified, altered, inspected, or tested a water-based fire protection system;

(4) While holding a certificate or license, allowed another person to use the certificate or license or certificate number or license number other than his or her own valid certificate or license or certificate number or license number;

(5) While holding a certificate or license, used a certificate or license or certificate number or license number other than his or her own valid certificate or license or certificate number or license number;

(6) Used credentials, methods, means, or practices to impersonate a representative of the Commissioner or the state fire marshal or any local fire chief, fire marshal, or other fire authority having jurisdiction;

(7) Failed to maintain the minimum insurance coverage as set forth in this chapter;

(8) Failed to obtain, retain, or maintain one or more of the qualifications and requirements to obtain a certificate of competency or other licenses required by this chapter;

(9) Installed, serviced, modified, altered, inspected, maintained, added to, or tested a water-based fire protection system without a current, valid license or certificate, when such license or certificate is required by this chapter;

(10) Made a material misstatement or misrepresentation or committed a fraud in obtaining or attempting to obtain a license or certificate; or

(11) Failed to notify the Commissioner, in writing, with 30 days after a change of residence, principal business address, or name.

In addition to other grounds set forth in this Code section, the Commissioner shall not issue a new license or certificate if the Commissioner finds that the circumstance or circumstances for which the license or certificate was previously suspended or revoked still exist or are likely to recur.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016