Georgia Code § 36-11-4 - Order in Which County Debts Paid

(a) When there are enough funds to pay all outstanding orders and other forms of indebtedness due which the treasurer is authorized to pay, such debts may be paid indiscriminately without regard to their dates. When there are enough funds to pay all forms of indebtedness dated prior to some particular date, all such forms of indebtedness may likewise be paid indiscriminately. When there are insufficient funds to pay all forms of indebtedness of equal degree, they shall be paid ratably. Under all other circumstances, debts should be paid in the order of their dates.

(b) If any person holding county orders fails to present them by December 1 to the county treasurer for payment, such orders shall be postponed in favor of all orders which were so presented and were not paid for want of funds.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016