Georgia Code § 36-15-2 - Secretary-Treasurer of Board; Designation and Compensation of Librarian

(a) There is created an office to be known as secretary-treasurer of the board of trustees of the county law library in each county. The secretary-treasurer shall be selected and appointed by the board and shall serve at the pleasure of the board. The board may appoint one of its own members as secretary-treasurer or, in its discretion, may designate some other person to act as secretary-treasurer of the board. The secretary-treasurer of the board shall perform the duties provided for the treasurer in this chapter.

(b) The board of trustees may designate the judge of the probate court or a deputy clerk of the superior court of each county to act as librarian; any such official shall not receive any additional compensation for the performance of such duties. The board, however, in its discretion, may designate some other person to act as librarian and shall fix the compensation for such person.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016