Georgia Code § 36-3-1 - Filing and Contents of Petition for Change of Boundary Line; Publication of Notice

Whenever one or more citizens of any county desire to have the boundary line of the county changed, they shall file in the offices of the judges of the probate courts of the counties to be affected a petition in writing, setting forth the exact character of the change desired to be made, specifying particularly the situation, direction, and existing marks and monuments, if any, of the original line, and describing particularly the direction, location, and length of the proposed new line, and setting forth the reasons for the change. The person or persons applying for the change shall also give notice of the intention to apply for the change by publishing the same for at least 30 days next preceding the term of the superior court or courts to be held in the counties to be affected, which term shall be that next occurring after the filing of the petition with the judges of the probate courts:

(1) By publishing the notice in a public newspaper having general circulation in each of the counties to be affected by the change; and

(2) By posting the notice at the door of the courthouse in each of the counties and at three public places in every militia district adjacent to the line to be changed.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016