Georgia Code § 36-88-4 - Available Incentives; Qualifying Business; Exemptions

(a) The following incentives are available to qualifying business and service enterprises to encourage revitalization within enterprise zones:

(1) The enterprise zone property tax exemption provided in Code Section 36-88-8; and

(2) The occupational tax, regulatory fee, and business inspection fee abatement or reduction provided in Code Section 36-88-9.

(b) A qualifying business or service enterprise is an enterprise which increased employment by five or more new full-time job equivalents in an area designated as an enterprise zone and which provides additional economic stimulus in such zone. The quality and quantity of such additional economic stimulus shall be determined, on a case-by-case basis, by the local governing body or bodies that have designated the enterprise zone. Such business or service enterprise may be new, an expansion or reinvestment of an existing business or service enterprise, or a successor to such business or service enterprise. Whenever possible, 10 percent of such new employees shall be low-income or moderate-income individuals.

(c) Notwithstanding any provision of this Code section to the contrary, a local governing body or bodies creating an enterprise zone prior to January 1, 2000, may provide the exemptions and abatements as provided in this chapter to any qualifying business or service enterprise which employs at least 5,000 persons and which creates ten or more new full-time job equivalents that did not exist prior to July 1, 1997, provided such qualifying business or service enterprise provides economic stimulus to such zone and the quality and quantity of such stimulus is acceptable to the local governing body or bodies creating the enterprise zone.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016