Georgia Code, Title 36, Provisions Applicable to Counties, Municipal Corporations, and Other Governmental Entities, § 36-91-119 - Article Inapplicable to Local Government Procurement via Competitive Sealed Bidding; Article Inapplicable to Certain Transportation Projects; Public Meeting Requirements

(a) Local governments that proceed with procurement pursuant to competitive sealed bidding as defined in Code Section 36-91-2, or any other purchasing options available under current law, shall not be required to comply with this article.

(b) Nothing in this article shall apply to or affect the State Transportation Board, the Department of Transportation, or the State Road and Tollway Authority, or any project thereof.

(c) Nothing in this article shall abrogate the obligations of a local government or private entity to comply with the public meetings requirement in accordance with Chapter 14 of Title 50 or to disclose public information in accordance with Article 4 of Chapter 18 of Title 50.

Section: Previous  36-91-110  36-91-111  36-91-112  36-91-113  36-91-114  36-91-115  36-91-116  36-91-117  36-91-118  36-91-119  

Last modified: October 14, 2016