Georgia Code § 40-5-34 - Driver License Advisory Board

(a) The commissioner is authorized to appoint a Driver License Advisory Board.

(b) The Driver License Advisory Board shall advise the commissioner on medical criteria and vision standards relating to the licensing of drivers under this chapter.

(c) If the department has cause to believe that a licensed driver or applicant may not be physically or mentally qualified to be licensed, it may obtain the advice of the Driver License Advisory Board. The Driver License Advisory Board may formulate its advice from records and reports or may cause an examination and report to be made by one or more members of the Driver License Advisory Board or any other qualified person it may designate. The licensed driver or applicant may cause a written report to be forwarded to the Driver License Advisory Board by a person of his choice who is licensed under Chapter 30 of Title 43 and Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 to diagnose and treat disorders of humans. Such report shall be given due consideration by the Driver License Advisory Board.

(d) Members of the Driver License Advisory Board and other persons making examinations shall not be held liable for their opinions and recommendations presented pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section.

(e) Reports received or made by the Driver License Advisory Board or its members for the purpose of assisting the department in determining whether a person is qualified to be licensed are for the confidential use of the Driver License Advisory Board or the department and may not be divulged to any person or used as evidence in any trial except that the reports may be admitted in proceedings under subsection (c) of Code Section 40-5-59 and Code Section 40-5-66, and any person conducting an examination pursuant to subsection (c) of this Code section may be compelled to testify concerning his observations and findings in such proceedings.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016