Georgia Code § 40-6-320 - Operation on Highways and Sidewalks; Direction of Travel

(a) Electric personal assistive mobility devices may be operated on highways and on sidewalks where a 48 inch clear path is maintained for access for persons with disabilities, provided that any person operating such a device shall have the same rights and duties as prescribed for pedestrians in Article 5 of this chapter and except as otherwise provided in this part.

(b) No person shall operate any electric personal assistive mobility device on the roadway of any highway unless:

(1) The maximum speed limit of the roadway is 35 miles per hour or less; or

(2) The roadway has a separately striped bicycle lane and the device is operated within the bicycle lane.

(c) When traveling on any roadway of a highway, a person operating an electric personal assistive mobility device shall travel in the same direction authorized for motor vehicle traffic on such roadway.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016