Georgia Code, Title 40, Chapter 13, Article 3 - Traffic Violations Bureaus
- § 40-13-50 - Establishment
In every court of this state having jurisdiction over the violation of traffic laws or traffic ordinances, the judge, or the judges where there...
- § 40-13-51 - Appointment of Clerk or Deputy Clerk; Bond
(a) The court may appoint a clerk or deputy clerk or deputy clerks, who shall be named in the order establishing the traffic violations...
- § 40-13-52 - Traffic Offense Cards; Contents
The court may, in its order, provide that there shall be maintained in the office of the traffic violations bureau cards known as "traffic...
- § 40-13-53 - Release of Arrested Person Upon Service of Citation and Complaint
(a) Subject to the exceptions set out in subsection (b) of this Code section, any officer who arrests any person for the violation of...
- § 40-13-54 - Disposition of Original and Copies of Citation and Complaint
The original citation and complaint shall be sent by the officer issuing it to the traffic violations bureau of the court within 24 hours...
- § 40-13-55 - Cash Bonds Permitted
Any person cited for any traffic offense under the jurisdiction of the traffic violations bureau of the court shall be permitted to give a...
- § 40-13-56 - Officer Not to Accept Cash Bond
No officer giving a citation and complaint to a defendant for a traffic violation shall accept a cash bond himself.
- § 40-13-57 - Taking of Cash Bond Where Officer Doubts that Arrested Person Will Appear
In the event an officer has authority to issue citation and complaint as set forth in Code Section 40-13-53 but declines to do so...
- § 40-13-58 - Failure to Appear After Giving Cash Bond As Admission of Guilt; Forfeiture of Bond; Order to Stand Trial Not Precluded
Where a defendant cited for a traffic violation posts a cash bond according to the schedule set up by court order and fails to...
- § 40-13-59 - Records to Be Kept by Traffic Violations Bureau; Filing of Citation and Complaint; Time for Posting Cash Bond; When Bond Forfeited
(a) The traffic violations bureau of the court shall record on the prescribed form, as set out in Code Section 40-13-52, the driving record...
- § 40-13-60 - Disposition of Traffic Violations; Jurisdiction of Bureau
Any traffic violation under the jurisdiction of the traffic violations bureau shall be characterized and classified as a traffic violation and shall not be...
- § 40-13-61 - Where Records Maintained; Accusations of Traffic Violations Not to Be Entered on Misdemeanor Docket; When Action Maintainable on Accusation of Traffic Violation
All records other than those excepted in this article shall be maintained at the traffic violations bureau of the court. No accusation of an...
- § 40-13-62 - When Bureau Loses Jurisdiction; Issuance of Accusation and Bench Warrant
When any person cited for a traffic violation pursuant to this article fails to appear in court on the date specified in the citation...
- § 40-13-63 - Penalty for Failure to Appear
The willful failure of any person to appear in accordance with the written promise contained on the citation and complaint and served upon such...
- § 40-13-64 - Suspended Sentence Division; Collection of Fines
The court may provide that its traffic violations bureau, in addition to the duties set out in this article, shall have charge of what...
Last modified: October 14, 2016