Georgia Code, Title 40, Chapter 14, Article 2 - Speed Detection Devices
- § 40-14-2 - Permit Required for Use; Use Not Authorized Where Officers Paid on Fee System; Operation by Registered or Certified Peace Officers
(a) The law enforcement officers of the various counties, municipalities, colleges, and universities may use speed detection devices only if the sheriffs of such...
- § 40-14-3 - Application for Permit; Use of Device While Application Pending
(a) A county sheriff, county or municipal governing authority, or the president of a college or university may apply to the Department of Public...
- § 40-14-4 - Compliance With Rules of Federal Communications Commission; Certification of Devices
No state, county, municipal, or campus law enforcement agency may use speed detection devices unless the agency possesses a license in compliance with Federal...
- § 40-14-5 - Testing; Removal of Inaccurate Radar Devices From Service
(a) Each state, county, municipal, or campus law enforcement officer using a radar device shall test the device for accuracy and record and maintain...
- § 40-14-6 - Warning Signs Required
(a) Each county, municipality, college, and university using speed detection devices shall erect signs on every highway which comprises a part of the state...
- § 40-14-7 - Visibility of Vehicle From Which Device is Operated
No stationary speed detection device shall be employed by county, municipal, college, or university law enforcement officers where the vehicle from which the device...
- § 40-14-8 - When Case May Be Made and Conviction Had
(a) No county, city, or campus officer shall be allowed to make a case based on the use of any speed detection device, unless...
- § 40-14-9 - Evidence Obtained in Certain Areas Inadmissible; Use of Device on Hill
Evidence obtained by county or municipal law enforcement officers in using speed detection devices within 300 feet of a reduction of a speed limit...
- § 40-14-10 - Unlawful Use of Devices Generally
It shall be unlawful for speed detection devices to be used in any county or municipality or on any campus for which a permit...
- § 40-14-11 - Investigations by Commissioner of Public Safety; Issuance of Order Suspending or Revoking Permit; Ratio of Speeding Fines to Agency's Budget
(a) Upon a complaint being made to the commissioner of public safety that any county, municipality, college, or university is employing speed detection devices...
- § 40-14-12 - Administrative Hearing Upon Permit Suspension or Revocation
Upon issuance by the commissioner of public safety of an order suspending or revoking the speed detection device permit of any county, municipality, college,...
- § 40-14-13 - Administrative and Judicial Appeal of Decision Suspending or Revoking Permit
Any county, municipality, college, or university aggrieved by a decision of the commissioner or deputy commissioner of public safety suspending or revoking its speed...
- § 40-14-14 - Petition for Reconsideration Following Permit Suspension or Revocation
At the expiration of six months following the suspension or revocation of a speed detection device permit by the Board of Public Safety or,...
- § 40-14-15 - Rehearing or Restoration of Permit At Direction of Governor
The Governor, in his discretion, may direct the commissioner of public safety, or his delegate, to inquire into such change of circumstances and report...
- § 40-14-16 - Restrictions on Suspension or Revocation of Drivers' Licenses; Reports to Department of Driver Services to Specify Speed
No speeding violation of less than ten miles per hour above the legal speed limit in the county or municipality or on a college...
- § 40-14-17 - Laser Devices; Reliability and Admissibility of Evidence
Evidence of speed based on a speed detection device using the speed timing principle of laser which is of a model that has been...
Last modified: October 14, 2016