Georgia Code, Title 43, Chapter 4, Article 1 - General Provisions
- § 43-4-1 - Definitions
As used in this chapter, the term: (1) "Architect" means an individual technically and legally qualified to engage in the practice of architecture. (2)...
- § 43-4-2 - Creation of Board; Composition; Qualifications of Members; Terms of Office; Vacancies
There is created the Georgia State Board of Architects and Interior Designers, which shall be composed of nine appointed members. Six of the members...
- § 43-4-3 - Oath of Office
The members of the board, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, shall subscribe to and file with the Secretary of State the...
- § 43-4-4 - Election of Board President and Vice President
The board shall elect from its membership a president and a vice president.
- § 43-4-5 - Maintenance of Record of Board's Proceedings by Division Director
The division director shall keep a true record of all proceedings of the board.
- § 43-4-6 - Reimbursement of Board Members
Each member of the board shall be reimbursed as provided for in subsection (f) of Code Section 43-1-2.
- § 43-4-7 - Authority to Confer With Similar Boards of Other States and to Attend Meetings and Conferences
The board, or any member designated by the board, may confer with similar boards of other states or attend meetings or conferences for the...
- § 43-4-8 - Enforcement of Chapter; Payment of Expenses
The board shall be charged with the duty of enforcing this chapter and may incur such expenses as shall be necessary, all of which...
- § 43-4-9 - Adoption of Rules, Regulations, and Standards of Conduct; Utilization of Internet
(a) The board shall adopt all necessary rules, regulations, and standards of conduct, not inconsistent with this chapter and the Constitution and laws of...
- § 43-4-10 - Compliance With Requirements of Article; Practice of Architecture by Firms, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, no person shall practice architecture in this state or use the title "architect" or "registered architect"...
- § 43-4-11 - Qualifications of Applicants for Examination or Certificate of Registration
(a) Any person may apply to the board for such examinations as are required for certification under this article if qualified as set forth...
- § 43-4-12 - Certificate of Registration; Registration Required; Professional Development Requirements for Renewal
A certificate of registration as a registered architect shall be valid for two years and shall be renewed biennially as provided by rule of...
- § 43-4-13 - Suspension or Revocation of Certificate; Reprimand; Hearing; Reinstatement
(a) In addition to the authority provided in Code Section 43-1-19, the board shall have the power to suspend or revoke the certificate of...
- § 43-4-14 - Practice of Architecture; Qualifications and Registration; Exempt Structures and Persons; Design-Build Contracts; Predesign Services; Construction Contract Administration Services
(a) In order to safeguard health, safety, and welfare, no person shall be allowed to practice architecture unless he or she has the qualifications...
- § 43-4-15 - Enforcement of Chapter by Officials Responsible for Enforcing Building Construction Codes
Except as provided in Code Section 25-2-14, it shall be the duty of all public officials charged with the responsibility of enforcing codes related...
- § 43-4-16 - Architect Seal; Documents Required to Be Sealed; Requirements to Be Met Before Being Sealed; Assumption of Responsibility; Notation If Not Furnishing Construction Administration; Violation and Penalties; Documents Prepared by Registered Interior Designer
(a) Every architect registered under this chapter shall have a seal in the design authorized by the board, bearing the registrant's name, certificate number,...
- § 43-4-17 - Unlawful Practice of Architecture; Enforcement; Injunctions
(a) Any person who uses the title "architect" or "registered architect" or uses any word, letters, or figures indicating or intending to imply that...
- Section 43-4-17.1. - Redesignated.
- § 43-4-18 - Cease and Desist Orders; Violations; Notice and Hearing; Judicial Review
(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law to the contrary, upon the board determining that a person is violating the provisions of Code...
- § 43-4-19 - Issuance of Restraining Order or Injunction
As cumulative of any other remedy or criminal prosecution, whenever it appears to the board that any person, firm, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability...
Last modified: October 14, 2016