Georgia Code § 47-21-22 - Operation of the Fund; Responsibilities

(a) Responsibility for the proper operation of the fund is vested in the board.

(b) The board shall:

(1) Adopt actuarial assumptions as necessary and prudent;

(2) Employ such personnel as may be needed to carry out the provisions of this article and such personnel shall be employees of the board. The pro rata share of the costs of operating the board in the manner prescribed by law shall be a part of the administrative costs of the fund;

(3) Maintain all necessary records regarding the fund in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, as applied to the fund;

(4) Collect all moneys due to the fund and shall pay any administrative expenses necessary and appropriate for the operation of the fund from the fund; and

(5) Cause to be prepared an annual report of fund activities. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, audited financial statements.

(c) The board may:

(1) Adopt any rules and regulations that it finds necessary to properly administer the fund;

(2) Employ or contract for the services of actuaries and other professionals as required to carry out the duties established by this article; and

(3) Contract with the Division of Investment Services of the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia or such other investment advisers as deemed appropriate and prudent by the board for any necessary services with respect to fund investments.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the board shall be entitled to any information that it deems necessary and appropriate from a university employee retirement system in order that the provisions of this article may be carried out.

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Last modified: October 14, 2016