Georgia Code, Title 47, Chapter 1, Article 1 - In General
- § 47-1-1 - Intent of Codification and Enactment of This Title
The enactment of Title 47 of this Code is intended only as a recodification of the existing laws of this state relating to retirement...
- § 47-1-2 - Pooling of Funds by Retirement Systems for Investment Purposes; Accounting Practices With Regard to Pooled Funds
(a) The boards of trustees or directors, by whatever name known, of any two or more retirement systems created by general law, pursuant to...
- § 47-1-3 - Power of a Local Retirement System to Hire an Actuary; Payment of the Administrative Costs of a Local Retirement System; Periodic Actuarial Investigations; Annual Financial Report
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "local retirement system" means any retirement, pension, or emeritus system covering an employee or employees...
- § 47-1-4 - Report of the State Auditor on the Condition of Local Retirement Systems
Based on the most recent actuarial investigations on file pursuant to subsection (d) of Code Section 47-1-3 and financial reports submitted under subsections (e)...
- § 47-1-5 - Duty of Governing Authorities to Make and File Actuarial Investigations and to File Financial Reports; Withholding of State Funds for Failure to Meet This Duty
It shall be the duty of the governing authority of each county, municipality, or other political subdivision whose employees are covered under a local...
- § 47-1-6 - Effect of World War II Armed Forces Service on Retirement Benefits; Payments to Retirement Systems for Such Periods
(a) No veteran of World War II who was discharged other than dishonorably and who was furloughed from a position of employment with a...
- § 47-1-7 - Powers of Retirement, Pension, or Emeritus Systems or Funds With Regard to Agents Employed to Act As Custodians of Assets or Investment Advisers
The board of trustees or other person or body having the power to manage, invest, and reinvest the assets of any retirement, pension, or...
- § 47-1-8 - Restrictions on Ability of Members of the General Assembly to Receive Pension Plan Credit for Service in the General Assembly
No person becoming a member of the General Assembly for the first time on or after July 1, 1984, shall be entitled to receive...
- § 47-1-9 - Crediting of Time Toward Georgia Legislative Retirement System; Restriction on Crediting; Options for Members; Refund of Contributions; Construction of Conflicting Provisions
(a) Except as provided by subsection (b) of this Code section, any member of the General Assembly holding office on January 1, 1986, may...
- § 47-1-10 - Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules by Boards of Trustees of State Retirement or Pension Systems; Procedure; Immediate Adoption; Filing of Rules With Secretary of State; Adoption of Rules and Regulations Appropriate or Necessary to Maintain Qualified Status
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Board of trustees" means the board of trustees or other administrative body or agency...
- § 47-1-11 - Creditable Service Not Allowed for Military Service From Which Discharge Was Other Than Honorable
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Creditable service" means any period of time which may be used as a factor...
- § 47-1-12 - Investment and Reinvestment of Assets of Local Retirement System; Valuation and Limitation on Investments; Duties of State Auditor
(a) The board of trustees of any local retirement system shall have full power to invest and reinvest assets of the retirement system and...
- § 47-1-13 - Maximum Compensation Used in Computing Employee and Employer Contributions
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "eligible member" means a person who became a member of a public retirement or pension...
- § 47-1-13.1 - Annual Compensation Limits in Determining Benefits or Contributions Due
(a) As used in this Code section, the term: (1) "Annual compensation" means compensation during the determination period. Such term shall include any cost-of-living...
- § 47-1-14 - "Retirement System" Defined; Records Exempt From Public Inspection
(a) As used in this Code section, the term "retirement system" means any public retirement system created by this title. Such term also means...
- § 47-1-15 - Circumstances When Survivors Benefits are Paid to Secondary Beneficiary
Unless otherwise expressly stated elsewhere in this title, in the event a person designated by a member of a public retirement or pension system...
- § 47-1-16 - Public Retirement Systems Prohibited From Having Insurable Interest in Members; Prohibition on Expending or Obligating Funds for Purchase of Life Insurance on Members; Exception
No public retirement system in this state shall have an insurable interest in active or retired members of such retirement system. No public retirement...
Last modified: October 14, 2016